Last modified: 2024-02-02 19:35:50 +0900

All list of publicaions



Recent works

Journals / 学会論文誌(レター含む)

11. Kento Matsumoto, Sunao Hara, Masanobu Abe,
“Speech-like Emotional Sound Generation using WaveNet,”
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, pp.1581–1589, Vol.E105-D, No.9, Sept. 2022. [doi:10.1587/transinf.2021EDP7236] [IEICE]

10. Ibnu Daqiqil Id, Masanobu Abe, Sunao Hara,
“Acoustic Scene Classifier Based on Gaussian Mixture Model in the Concept Drift Situation,”
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 167–176, Sept. 2021. [doi:10.25046/aj060519]

9. Katsuki Inoue, Sunao Hara, Masanobu Abe, Nobukatsu Hojo, Yusuke Ijima,
“Model architectures to extrapolate emotional expressions in DNN-based text-to-speech,”
Speech Communication, vol.126, pp.35–43, Feb. 2021. [doi:10.1016/j.specom.2020.11.004] [Available online 24 November 2020]


Proceedings of International Conferences and Workshops / 国際会議

50. Shunichi Kohara, Masanobu Abe, Sunao Hara,
“Speech-Emotion Control for Text-To-Speech in Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Voice Conversion and x-Vector Embedding,”
Proc. APSIPA-ASC 2023, pp.2296–2302, Oct.–Nov. 2023. (Poster presentation/2023-11-03)

49. Matsuri Iwasaki, Sunao Hara, Masanobu Abe,
“Speech Synthesis Using Ambiguous Inputs from Wearable Keyboards,”
Proc. APSIPA-ASC 2023, pp.1159–1165, Oct.–Nov. 2023. (Oral presentation/2023-11-02)

48. Sunao Hara and Masanobu Abe,
“Sound map of urban areas recorded by smart devices: case study at Okayama and Kurashiki,”
The 52nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise 2023), 12 pages, Chiba, Japan, Aug. 2023. (Oral presentation/2023-08-21; INVITED)

47. Sunao Hara and Masanobu Abe,
“Predictions for sound events and soundscape impressions from environmental sound using deep neural networks,”
The 52nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise 2023), 12 pages, Chiba, Japan, Aug. 2023. (Oral presentation/2023-08-23; INVITED)

46. Yusuke Ono, Sunao Hara, and Masanobu Abe,
“Prediction Method of Soundscape Impressions Using Environmental Sounds and Aerial Photographs,”
APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA-ASC 2022), pp.1222–1227, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022. (Oral-online presentation/2022-10-19; Corresponding author) [doi:10.23919/APSIPAASC55919.2022.9980290] [arXiv:2209.04077]

45. Ibnu Daqiqil Id, Masanobu Abe, and Sunao Hara,
“Incremental Audio Scene Classifier Using Rehearsal-Based Strategy,”
IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022), pp.619–623, Osaka, Japan, Oct. 2022. (Oral-online presentation/2022-10-19)


Reviews and Tutorial papers / 総説・解説・記事

6. 原直,阿部匡伸,
騒音制御,Vol. 46,No. 3,pp. 126–130,June 2022.

5. 阿部匡伸,原直
騒音制御,Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 20–23, Feb. 2018.

4. 原直
日本音響学会誌,Vol. 73,No. 8,pp. 483–490,Aug. 2017.


Domestic conferences, workshops, etc. / 国内大会,研究会

156. 遠山大督,原直,阿部匡伸,
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,vol. 123, no. 364, LOIS2023-42 (ICM2023-38), pp.57–62,Jan. 2024. (2024-01-26/口頭発表)

155. 岩崎茉理,原直,阿部匡伸,
日本音響学会講演論文集, 3-Q-23, pp.1369–1372, Sept. 2023. (2023-09-28/ポスター発表)

154. 小原俊一,阿部匡伸,原直
日本音響学会講演論文集, 2-Q-40, pp.1275–1278, Sept. 2023. (2023-09-27/ポスター発表)

153. 和田拓海,原直,阿部匡伸,
“小説オーディオブックの強調部分を学習に用いる抑揚制御可能な End-to-End 音声合成方式の検討,”
日本音響学会2023年春季研究発表会,2-3Q-9, pp. 903–906, Mar. 2023. (2023-03-16/ポスター発表) ※オンライン開催

152. 前薗そよぎ,原直,阿部匡伸,
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,vol. 122, no. 423, LOIS2022-61, pp. 102–107,Mar. 2023. (2023-03-14/口頭発表)
[IEICE] (LOISグッドプレゼンテーション賞)

151. 小原俊一,阿部匡伸,原直
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,vol. 122, no. 389, SP2022-73, pp. 203–208,Mar. 2023. (2023-03-01/口頭発表)

150. 遠山大督,原直,阿部匡伸,
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,vol. 122, no. 338, LOIS2022-35, pp. 25–30,Jan. 2023. (2023-01-19/口頭発表)

149. 植田遥人,阿部匡伸,原直
日本音響学会2022年秋季研究発表会,3-Q-36, pp. 1405–1408, Sept. 2022. (ポスター発表/2022-09-16)


Academic dissertation

  • 名古屋大学大学院 情報科学研究科 メディア科学専攻 平成23年度 博士論文 (2011.10)
    (主査・副査:武田一哉教授,中岩浩巳教授,北岡教英准教授) [機関リポジトリ] ※2011年当時の所属・職位

